Definition and classification of evaluation units for tertiary structure prediction in CASP12 facilitated through semi-automated metrics.
Luciano Andrés AbriataLisa N KinchGiorgio E TamòBohdan MonastyrskyyAndriy KryshtafovychMatteo Dal PeraroPublished in: Proteins (2017)
For assessment purposes, CASP targets are split into evaluation units. We herein present the official definition of CASP12 evaluation units (EUs) and their classification into difficulty categories. Each target can be evaluated as one EU (the whole target) or/and several EUs (separate structural domains or groups of structural domains). The specific scenario for a target split is determined by the domain organization of available templates, the difference in server performance on separate domains versus combination of the domains, and visual inspection. In the end, 71 targets were split into 96 EUs. Classification of the EUs into difficulty categories was done semi-automatically with the assistance of metrics provided by the Prediction Center. These metrics account for sequence and structural similarities of the EUs to potential structural templates from the Protein Data Bank, and for the baseline performance of automated server predictions. The metrics readily separate the 96 EUs into 38 EUs that should be straightforward for template-based modeling (TBM) and 39 that are expected to be hard for homology modeling and are thus left for free modeling (FM). The remaining 19 borderline evaluation units were dubbed FM/TBM, and were inspected case by case. The article also overviews structural and evolutionary features of selected targets relevant to our accompanying article presenting the assessment of FM and FM/TBM predictions, and overviews structural features of the hardest evaluation units from the FM category. We finally suggest improvements for the EU definition and classification procedures.