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Learning and Memory in Drosophila Larvae.

Denise WeberVincent RichterAstrid RohwedderAlexandra GroßjohannAndreas S Thum
Published in: Cold Spring Harbor protocols (2022)
The Drosophila larva has become an attractive model system for studying fundamental questions in neuroscience. Although the focus was initially on topics such as the structure of genes, mechanisms of inheritance, genetic regulation of development, and the function and physiology of ion channels, today it is often on the cellular and molecular principles of naive and learned behavior. Drosophila larvae have developed different mechanisms, often widespread in similar manifestations in the animal kingdom, to orient themselves toward olfactory, gustatory, mechanosensory, thermal, and visual stimuli to coordinate their locomotion appropriately. To adapt to changes in the environment, larvae are able to learn to categorize some of these sensory impressions as "good" or "bad." Depending on their relevance and reliability, the larva learns them and constantly updates these memories. Laboratory experiments allow us to parametrically study and describe many of these processes (e.g., olfactory appetitive and aversive memory or visual appetitive and aversive memory). Combining behavioral tests with various neurogenetic techniques allows us to thermally or optogenetically activate or inhibit individual cells during learning, memory consolidation, and memory retrieval. The molecular and genetic bases of larval learning can be analyzed by using specific mutants. The CRISPR-Cas method has established extensive new directions in this area, in addition to the already wide-ranging traditional approaches, like the GAL4 / UAS system. The combination of these genetic methods with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of the introduced behavioral assay provides a platform for discovering the fundamental mechanisms underlying learning and memory formation in the rather simple larval brain.