Regenerating tissues must remember or interpret their spatial position, using this information to restore original size and patterning. The external skeleton of the zebrafish caudal fin is composed of 18 rays; after any portion of the fin is amputated, position-dependent regenerative growth restores each ray to its original length. We tested for transcriptional differences during regeneration of proximal versus distal tissues and identified 489 genes that differed in proximodistal expression. Thyroid hormone directs multiple aspects of ray patterning along the proximodistal axis, and we identified 364 transcripts showing a proximodistal expression pattern that was dependent on thyroid hormone context. To test what aspects of ray positional identity are directed by extrinsic environental cues versus remembered identity autonomous to the tissue, we transplanted distal portions of rays to proximal environments and evaluated regeneration within the new location. Native regenerating proximal tissue showed robust expression of scpp7, a transcript with thyroid-regulated proximal enrichment; in contrast, regenerating rays originating from transplanted distal tissue showed reduced (distal-like) expression during outgrowth. These distal-to-proximal transplants regenerated far beyond the length of the graft itself, indicating that cues from the proximal environment promoted additional growth. Nonetheless, these transplants initiated regeneration at a much slower rate compared to controls, suggesting memory of distal identity was retained by the transplanted tissue. This early growth retardation caused rays that originated from transplants to grow noticeably shorter than neighboring native rays. While several aspects of fin ray morphology (bifurcation, segment length) were found to be determined by the environment, we found that both regeneration speed and ray length are remembered autonomously by tissues, and that persist through multiple rounds of amputation and regeneration.