Aerobic training increases mitochondrial respiratory capacity in human skeletal muscle stem cells from sedentary individuals.

Reichelle X YeoPieter J DijkstraFlavia G De CarvalhoFanchao YiMaria F PinoSteven R SmithLauren Marie Sparks
Published in: American journal of physiology. Cell physiology (2022)
The impact of aerobic training on human skeletal muscle cell (HSkMC) mitochondrial metabolism is a significant research gap, critical to understanding the mechanisms by which exercise augments skeletal muscle metabolism. We therefore assessed mitochondrial content and capacity in fully differentiated CD56 + HSkMCs from lean active (LA) and sedentary individuals with obesity (OS) at baseline, as well as lean/overweight sedentary individuals (LOS) at baseline and following an 18-day aerobic training intervention. Participants had in vivo skeletal muscle PCr recovery rate by 31 P-MRS (mitochondrial oxidative kinetics) and cardiorespiratory fitness (V̇o 2max ) assessed at baseline. Biopsies of the vastus lateralis were performed for the isolation of skeletal muscle stem cells. LOS individuals repeated all assessments posttraining. HSkMCs were evaluated for mitochondrial respiratory capacity by high-resolution respirometry. Data were normalized to two indices of mitochondrial content (CS activity and OXPHOS protein expression) and a marker of total cell count (quantity of DNA). LA individuals had significantly higher V̇o 2max than OS and LOS-Pre training; however, no differences were observed in skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity, nor in carbohydrate- or fatty acid-supported HSkMC respiratory capacity. Aerobic training robustly increased in vivo skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity of LOS individuals, as well as carbohydrate-supported HSkMC respiratory capacity. Indices of mitochondrial content and total cell count were similar among the groups and did not change with aerobic training. Our findings demonstrate that bioenergetic changes induced with aerobic training in skeletal muscle in vivo are retained in HSkMCs in vitro without impacting mitochondrial content, suggesting that training improves intrinsic skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity.