The oomycete Phytophthora infestans is one of the most destructive phytopathogens globally. It has a proven ability to adapt to changing environments rapidly; however, molecular mechanisms responsible for host invasion and adaptation to new environmental conditions still need to be explored. The study aims to understand the epigenetic mechanisms exploited by P. infestans in response to nitrosative stress conditions created by the (micro)environment and the host plant. To characterize reactive nitrogen species (RNS)-dependent acetylation profiles in avirulent/virulent (avr/vr) P. infestans, a transient gene expression, ChIP and immunoblot analyses, and nitric oxide (NO) emission by chemiluminescence were used in combination with the pharmacological approach. Nitrosative stress increased total H3/H4 acetylation and some histone acetylation marks, mainly in sporulating hyphae of diverse (avr/vr) isolates and during potato colonization. These results correlated with transcriptional up-regulation of acetyltransferases PifHAC3 and PifHAM1, catalyzing H3K56 and H4K16 acetylation, respectively. NO or peroxynitrite-mediated changes were also associated with H3K56 and H4K16 mark deposition on the critical pathogenicity-related gene promoters (CesA1, CesA2, CesA3, sPLD-like1, Hmp1, and Avr3a) elevating their expression. Our study highlights RNS-dependent transcriptional reprogramming via histone acetylation of essential gene expression in the sporulating and biotrophic phases of plant colonization by P. infestans as a tool promoting its evolutionary plasticity.