The Catalan initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project: contributing local data to global biodiversity genomics.

Montserrat CorominasTomàs Marquès-BonetMiquel A ArnedoMònica BayésJordina BelmonteHector EscrivàRosa FernándezToni GabaldonTeresa GarnatjeJosep GermainManel NiellFerran PaleroJoan PonsPere PuigdomènechThe Catalan Initiative For The Earth BioGenome Projectnull nullVanesa ArroyoCristian Cuevas-CaballéJoan Ferrer ObiolIvo GutMarta GutOriane HidalgoGuillem Izquierdo-ArànegaLaia Pérez-SorribesEmilio RighiMarta RiutortJoan VallèsJulio RozasTyler AliotoRoderic Guigó
Published in: NAR genomics and bioinformatics (2024)
The Catalan Initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project (CBP) is an EBP-affiliated project network aimed at sequencing the genome of the >40 000 eukaryotic species estimated to live in the Catalan-speaking territories (Catalan Linguistic Area, CLA). These territories represent a biodiversity hotspot. While covering less than 1% of Europe, they are home to about one fourth of all known European eukaryotic species. These include a high proportion of endemisms, many of which are threatened. This trend is likely to get worse as the effects of global change are expected to be particularly severe across the Mediterranean Basin, particularly in freshwater ecosystems and mountain areas. Following the EBP model, the CBP is a networked organization that has been able to engage many scientific and non-scientific partners. In the pilot phase, the genomes of 52 species are being sequenced. As a case study in biodiversity conservation, we highlight the genome of the Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus , sequenced under the CBP umbrella.