Exometabolite Dynamics over Stationary Phase Reveal Strain-Specific Responses.
John L ChodkowskiAshley ShadePublished in: mSystems (2020)
Microbial exponential growth is expected to occur infrequently in environments that have long periods of nutrient starvation punctuated by short periods of high nutrient flux. These conditions likely impose nongrowth states for microbes. However, nongrowth states are uncharacterized for the majority of environmental bacteria, especially in regard to exometabolite production. We compared exometabolites produced over stationary phase across three environmental bacteria: Burkholderia thailandensis E264 (ATCC 700388), Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 31532, and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (ATCC BAA-871). We grew each strain in monoculture and investigated exometabolite dynamics from mid-exponential to stationary phases. We focused on exometabolites that were released into the medium and accumulated over 45 h, including approximately 20 h of stationary phase. We also analyzed transcripts (transcriptome sequencing [RNA-seq]) to interpret exometabolite output. We found that the majority of exometabolites released were strain specific, with a subset of identified exometabolites involved in both central and secondary metabolism. Transcript analysis supported that exometabolites were released from intact cells, as various transporters had either increased or consistent transcripts through time. Interestingly, we found that succinate was one of the most abundant identifiable exometabolites for all strains and that each strain rerouted their metabolic pathways involved in succinate production during stationary phase. These results show that nongrowth states can be metabolically dynamic and that environmental bacteria can enrich a minimal environment with diverse chemical compounds as a consequence of growth and postgrowth maintenance in stationary phase. This work provides insights into microbial community interactions via exometabolites under conditions of growth cessation or limitation.IMPORTANCE Nongrowth states are common for bacteria that live in environments that are densely populated and predominantly nutrient exhausted, and yet these states remain largely uncharacterized in cellular metabolism and metabolite output. Here, we investigated and compared stationary-phase exometabolites and RNA transcripts for each of three environmental bacterial strains. We observed that diverse exometabolites were produced and provide evidence that these exometabolites accumulate over time through release by intact cells. Additionally, each bacterial strain had a characteristic exometabolite profile and exhibited dynamics in exometabolite composition. This work affirms that stationary phase is metabolically dynamic, with each strain tested creating a unique chemical signature in the extracellular space and altering metabolism in stationary phase. These findings set the stage for understanding how bacterial populations can support surrounding neighbors in environments with prolonged nutrient exhaustion through exometabolite-mediated interspecies interactions.