Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea Affects Plant Susceptibility to Subsequent Pathogen Infections Under Controlled-Environment Conditions.
Ibrahim Kutay OzturkElizabeth BuchholzAlly BentleyDennis HaltermanRenee RiouxPublished in: Plant disease (2024)
Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss) is a soilborne potato pathogen responsible for causing powdery scab on tubers and galls on roots, reducing root water uptake through colonizing root hairs, and vectoring of Potato mop-top virus (PMTV). However, effects of Sss on overall plant susceptibilities against subsequent infections of potato pathogens above ground have not been previously reported. This study aimed to investigate the effects of Sss on root and tuber disease expression, yield, and susceptibilities to subsequent late blight and white mold infections across six potato varieties. Sss-infected Silverton plants had 28.3% less total tuber yield and 29% fewer tubers compared to noninfected Silverton plants. We did not find a correlation across the varieties between root colonization and root gall formation. Sss-infected Silverton plants were more susceptible to hemibiotrophic late blight and less susceptible to necrotrophic white mold. Sss infection also increased susceptibilities of Goldrush and Atlantic plants to white mold. We also evaluated prevalence of asymptomatic Sss infections across the six varieties. Between 50 and 92% of the asymptomatic tubers tested positive for Sss DNA, depending on the variety. Further research is required to understand the possibility and extent of these asymptomatic infections to the spread of Sss in the field. These findings highlight the complexity of Sss-host interactions and give precedence that the lack of disease expression does not necessarily indicate resistance of a variety to Sss.