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JPEN Journal Club 78. Response-adaptive randomization.

Ronald L Koretz
Published in: JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition (2023)
Low serum levels of vitamin D have been described in patents with a variety of underlying diseases, an issue we recently considered in patients hospitalized with coronavirus disease-19, or COVID-19, infections 1 . Appel et al noted that such a situation exists for elderly individuals who suffer falls and that the evidence from randomized clinical trials (RCTs) regarding vitamin D supplementation to prevent such events is contradictory and has even led to conflicting recommendations 2 . About 10 years ago, the National Institute on Aging undertook the sponsorship of a large trial to answer the question if high-dose vitamin D would reduce the incidence of falls. The results of this trial were the major content of the paper by Appel et al This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.