Diaphanospondylodysostosis and ischiospinal dysostosis, evidence for one disorder with variable expression in a patient who has survived to age 9 years.

Janet M LegareKristin SeaborgJennifer LaffinPhilip F Giampietro
Published in: American journal of medical genetics. Part A (2017)
Diaphanospondylodysostosis (DSD) and ischiospinal dysostosis (ISD) are both rare skeletal dysplasias consisting of abnormal axial skeletal development but normal appendicular skeletal development. Both disorders recently have been found to result from mutations in the BMPER gene. We report a patient with one deletion and one mutation of the BMPER gene who has features most consistent with DSD but who has survived to age 9 years. Survival suggests that DSD and ISD reflect a spectrum of severity of one disease process.