Entomological assessment of hessian fabric transfluthrin vapour emanators as a means to protect against outdoor-biting Aedes after providing them to households for routine use in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Chicoye SupremeObrillant DamusJoseph FrederickJean-Frantz LemoineChristian RaccurtJustin McBeathNosrat MirzaiSheila B OgomaVincent CorbelDaniel ImpoinvilGerry F KilleenCyrille CzeherPublished in: PloS one (2024)
Transfluthrin emanators had little if any apparent effect upon Aedes landing rates by wild Ae. aegypti in urban Haiti, and similar results have been obtained by comparable studies in Tanzania, Brazil and Peru. In stark contrast, however, parallel sociological assessments of perspectives among these same end-users in urban Haitian communities indicate strong satisfaction in terms of perceived protection against mosquitoes. It remains unclear why the results obtained from these complementary entomological and sociological assessments in Haiti differ so much, as do those from a similar set of studies in Brazil. It is encouraging, however, that similar contrasts between the entomological and epidemiological results of a recent large-scale assessment of another transfluthrin emanator product in Peru, which indicate they provide useful protection against Aedes-borne arboviral infections, despite apparently providing only modest protection against Aedes mosquito bites.