This review included 57 RCTs with 2846 participants, but the final results are inconclusive, so the research questions remain unanswered. Occlusal splints of the FHSS type may reduce muscle pain when chewing compared to no treatment, but the evidence is very uncertain. Orofacial myofunctional therapy may reduce severity of joint noise compared to occlusal splint (FHSS), but the evidence is very uncertain. For all other comparisons and outcomes, there may be little or no difference between groups, although the evidence is also very uncertain for these findings. Overall, we found insufficient evidence to reach conclusions regarding the effectiveness of occlusal interventions for managing symptoms of TMD, despite the available studies including almost 3000 participants. To make a useful contribution to the debate about the best way to treat TMD, any further research must be well-designed, with enough participants to reach the optimal information size for meaningful results; it requires recruitment from primary care, consensus around key outcomes and measures, and, ideally, long-term follow-up of three to five years, plus inclusion of a cost-effectiveness component.