Celsr family genes are dynamically expressed in embryonic and juvenile zebrafish.
Bhagyashri JoshiHimanshu GaurSubhra Prakash HuiChinmoy PatraPublished in: Developmental neurobiology (2022)
The Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor (Celsr) family belongs to the adhesion G-protein coupled receptor superfamily. In most vertebrates, the Celsr family has three members (CELSR1-3), whereas zebrafish display four paralogues (celsr1a, 1b, 2, 3). Although studies have shown the importance of the Celsr family in planar cell polarity, axonal guidance, and dendritic growth, the molecular mechanisms of the Celsr family regulating these cellular processes in vertebrates remain elusive. Zebrafish is an experimentally more amenable model to study vertebrate development, as zebrafish embryos develop externally, optically transparent, remain alive with malformed organs, and zebrafish is genetically similar to humans. Understanding the detailed expression pattern is the first step of exploring the functional mechanisms of the genes involved in development. Thus, we report the spatiotemporal expression pattern of Celsr family members in zebrafish nervous tissues. Our analysis shows that celsr1b and celsr2 are expressed maternally. In embryos, celsr1a, celsr1b, and celsr2 are expressed in the neural progenitors, and celsr3 is expressed in all five primary neural clusters of the brain and mantle layer of the spinal cord. In juvenile zebrafish, celsr1a, celsr1b, and celsr2 are presumably expressed in the neural progenitor enriched regions of the CNS. Therefore, the expression pattern of zebrafish Celsr family members is reminiscent of patterns described in other vertebrates or mammalian speciate. This indicates the conserved role of Celsr family genes in nervous system development and suggests zebrafish as an excellent model to explore the cellular and molecular mechanisms of Celsr family genes in vertebrate neurogenesis.