Further validation of the Perceptions of Uncertainties in Genome Sequencing scale among patients with cancer undergoing tumor sequencing.
Kendall L UmsteadRachel CampbellChristine E NapierNicole BartleyMegan C BestPhyllis N ButowBarbara B BieseckerPublished in: Clinical genetics (2022)
It is important to understand how individuals perceive uncertainties and the consequent impact on their psychological well-being and health behavior. The Perceptions of Uncertainties in Genome Sequencing (PUGS) scale measures clinical, affective, and evaluative uncertainties about information from sequencing. The PUGS scale has been shown to be valid and reliable among individuals receiving results about their genomes. This study assessed whether its validity generalized to patients with cancer undergoing tumor sequencing. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted on data from the Molecular Screening and Therapeutics Program (n = 310) to identify a measurement model. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to determine the adequacy of the resulting fit. EFA identified the same three-factor structure reported previously. CFA confirmed that the measurement model yielded a good fit (χ 2 /df = 3.72, CFI = 0.96, SRMR = 0.05, and RMSEA = 0.09) and satisfied convergent and discriminant validity. These findings provide further evidence of the validity and reliability of the PUGS scale in measuring three types of uncertainty. Continued application will facilitate an evidence-based approach to intervention and enhance understanding of what it is like to receive results. In turn, this will improve clinical outcomes as undergoing sequencing becomes an increasingly common experience.