[Epidemiology and prophylaxis of varicella in military units].
A B BelovP I OgarkovE V LantsovPublished in: Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal (2019)
Epidemiology and prophylaxis of varicella in military units. Topical issues in military units varicella epidemiology and prevention, as one of the most important infections, potentially controlled by means of immunization. As a result of the retrospective epidemiological analysis of the incidence of varicella personnel- in one of the military districts found that the risk category for the disease are conscripts from the young recruits. The main riskfactors for introduction and spread of the infection: violation of statutory requirements to placement and life conditions of young recruits, delays in army of observation in epidemic outbreaks of varicella. The connection of the skid in a military collective agents of varicella with disabilities in the diagnostic work of the medical service and the organization of sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in. infectious wards of military hospitals. The possibilities of improving the selective immunization against varicella soldiers of the young recruits.