We have read the original article titled "P4HA2 contributes to head and neck squamous carcinoma progression and EMT through PI3K/AKT signaling pathway" by Yan-Ling Wu et al., which was published in the Medical Oncology journal, with great interest. This study provides valuable insights into the involvement of P4HA2 in the progression of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), highlighting its potential as an oncogenic factor that promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), motility, invasion, and proliferation of cancer cells through the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. While this work enhances our understanding of the role of P4HA2 in HNSCC, there are certain aspects that remain unexplored. These areas could be further investigated in future research to obtain a more comprehensive understanding. Specifically, the study did not investigate other signaling pathways or molecular mechanisms through which P4HA2 may impact the development of HNSCC. By exploring these molecular pathways, it may be possible to identify specific targets for pharmaceutical intervention to inhibit the production of P4HA2. Examining these aspects in future research would significantly contribute to our understanding of the role of P4HA2 in HNSCC and its potential as a therapeutic target. We appreciate the authors for their significant contribution and eagerly await future studies that expand upon these findings.