LETTER TO THE EDITOR CONCERNING: Effectiveness of the Rigo Chêneau versus Boston-style orthoses for adolescent idiopathicscoliosis: a retrospective study, by Minsk MK, Venuti KD, Daumit GL, Sponseller PD. Scoliosis Spinal Disord. 2017 Mar 20;12:7.

Johan L HeemskerkMark AltenaDiederik H R Kempen
Published in: Scoliosis and spinal disorders (2018)
We have read with great interest the article by Minsk et al. in Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders. However, the authors reported a conclusion that is based on possible selection bias in surgical candidates. Physicians are trained in the interpretation of scientific articles; however, not everybody is able to do this. Especially in open access journals, a biased conclusion may have big consequences and may be misleading for patients and family members who can read these articles for free on the internet.