Recent advances and challenges in the use of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing for understanding neuronal cell biology.
Harold D MacGillavryPublished in: Neurophotonics (2023)
The ability to accurately map and manipulate the dynamic subcellular distribution of proteins is key for a mechanistic understanding of neuronal functioning. Current fluorescence microscopy techniques provide access to subcellular protein organization at increasing resolution but are often restricted by the availability of methods that reliably label endogenous proteins. Excitingly, recent development in CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing now allows researchers to specifically tag and visualize endogenous proteins, overcoming limitations associated with current labeling strategies. This article will discuss the progress that has been made in the last years that has led to the development of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tools for the reliable mapping of endogenous proteins in neurons. Furthermore, recently developed tools enable the duplex labeling of two proteins simultaneously and acute manipulation of protein distribution. Future implementations of this generation of genome editing technologies will undoubtedly drive progress in molecular and cellular neurobiology.