Molecular analysis of H&E- and Papanicolau-stained samples-systematic review.
Alexandra PoteOtília BoghencoAna Marques-RamosPublished in: Histochemistry and cell biology (2020)
Molecular pathology allows the identification of causative agents in infectious diseases and detection of biomarkers important for prediction of disease susceptibility, diagnosis and personalized therapy. Accordingly, nucleic acid-based methods have gained a special role in clinical laboratories particularly to evaluate solid and hematological tumors. Extraction of nucleic acids is commonly performed in microdissected formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) or cytological samples that had been previously evaluated through the use of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or Papanicolau (Pap) stains, respectively. Although the effect of both stains on nucleic acids integrity has been explored by several authors, the results are not consistent and require further examination. Accordingly, the goal of this review was to assess the influence of H&E and Pap stains on DNA and RNA integrity and to address the mechanism by which each staining compromises molecular based-analysis. The analyzed studies demonstrate that H&E- and Pap-staining result in low DNA recovery and some degree of DNA fragmentation. Additionally, it is concluded that hemalum inhibits PCR by interfering with DNA extraction, preventing DNA polymerase attachment and possibly by rescuing divalent cations. Accordingly, proper sample purification and adjustment of PCR conditions are of key importance to achieve satisfactory results by PCR in H&E- and Pap-stained samples. Furthermore, although H&E results in RNA fragmentation, it is possible to perform expression analysis in H&E-stained frozen sections, using RNase-free conditions, low amounts of hematoxylin and a rapid protocol from sample collection to RNA analysis. It The effect of Pap-staining on RNA integrity remains to be determined.