NO. In adults with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes (T2D), continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and flash glucose monitoring (FGM) do not decrease symptomatic hypoglycemia episodes (strength of recommendation [SOR], B) but do lower time in hypoglycemia (SOR, C; disease-oriented evidence).CGM, in which glucose levels are sent automatically in numeric and graphic format to a patient's smart device for their potential action, did not change the hypoglycemic event rate (SOR, B; 2 prospective studies). CGM significantly reduced hypoglycemia duration in an 8-month randomized controlled trial (RCT; SOR, C) but not in a 1-year prospective study (SOR, C).FGM, in which glucose levels are sent on demand to a device, did not significantly reduce hypoglycemic episodes (SOR, B; 1 small RCT and 1 prospective study). Hypoglycemia duration was reduced significantly with FGM in a 6-month RCT (SOR, B) but not in a 1-year prospective study (SOR, B).