Lessons learnt from anonymized review of cases of peripartum hysterectomy by international experts: A qualitative pilot study.
Eva JónasdóttirAnna J M AabakkeLotte Berdiin ColmornMaija JakobssonOuti ÄyräsElham BaghestanTeresia SvanvikThomas van den AkkerKitty BloemenkampJos van RoosmalenLone KrebsMarian KnightJens Langhoff-Roosnull nullPublished in: Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica (2019)
Severe obstetric complications are not extensively studied and individual cases are used too little and inappropriately in quality improvement activities, due to limited numbers and prioritization of quantitative research. Nordic and European experts performed a qualitative pilot study using anonymized cases of peripartum hysterectomy. It was feasible to anonymize narratives and we learned lessons in the form of themes for improved clinical care and future research. Therefore, we plan a Nordic anonymized review of the care of women who have undergone peripartum hysterectomy based on narratives. The qualitative outcomes of clinically relevant themes for quality improvement and research will add value to the quantitative analyses from the Nordic medical birth registries. In the longer term, we believe that qualitative audits should be an essential part of the process of continuing improvement in maternity care.