Proportion and reasons for loss to follow-up in a cohort study of people who inject drugs to measure HIV and HCV incidence in Kerman, Iran.

Ghazal MousavianNima GhalekhaniFatemeh TavakoliWilli McFarlandArmita ShahesmaeiliHeidar SharafiMehrdad KhezriSoheil MehmandoostJasem ZareiHamid SharifiAli Mirzazadeh
Published in: Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy (2021)
This study highlighted the difficulty in retaining PWID in longitudinal studies. Despite having several retention strategies in place, over half of PWID were LTFU. The LTFU might be reduced by setting up more effective reminder systems, working closely with security systems, and online means to reach those who move outside the study area.