Experiences of a Community Crisis Intervention Service.
Edel EnnisEmma Walker MscPublished in: Issues in mental health nursing (2021)
This qualitative study explores the experiences of persons who utilised a community crisis intervention service (CCIS) whilst in emotional distress. An anonymised database provided a quantitative overview of all service users profiles. Interpretive Description was used to analyse interviews from five service users about their experience(s) of the CCIS. Findings from the overall client database are reported in terms of gender, proportion of self-referrals (n = 102 of 187) and proportion requiring no other de-escalation services at that point (n = 117 of 187). Within the qualitative interviews, three themes evolved: (1) a more appropriate setting than the ED, (2) states of suicidal crisis; risk factors and fluctuations and (3) unmet needs. The non-clinical setting and the utility of the intervention in de-escalating states of crisis were valued. Findings are discussed in terms of the delivery of crisis intervention services, with emphasis on early identification and effective management through brief interventions in community settings.