Pearls & Oy-sters: Mesial Temporal Seizures in the Absence of the Mesial Temporal Lobe. Seizure Onset vs Seizure Network

Kajal H PatelSotiris MitropanopoulosGiridhar P Kalamangalam
Published in: Neurology (2023)
Seizure semiology represents the clinical expression of the activation of the several brain regions comprising an epileptic network. In mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), this network includes the insular-opercular-neocortical temporal-hippocampal (IONTH) regions. In this study, we present the case of a patient with pharmacoresistant seizures characterized by nausea, lip-smacking, semipurposeful hand movements, and speechlessness, suggesting dominant hemisphere MTLE, with scalp video-EEG findings and left hippocampal sclerosis on brain MRI confirming the diagnosis. She underwent anterior temporal lobectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy and was seizure-free for 14 years before relapsing. Recurrent seizure semiology was similar to preoperative seizures, that is, consistent with left MTLE, despite the medial temporal lobe missing. Seizures were therefore assumed to arise from remnant portions of the IONTH network-the insula, operculum, and posterolateral temporal neocortex. Reinvestigation including MEG localization of spikes and acute MRI changes following a seizure cluster suggested a left opercular region epilepsy. Our patient thus demonstrated the principle that seizures with mesial temporal characteristics may arise from outside the mesial temporal lobe (MTL). MTLE semiology arises from the activation of a set of structures (the seizure network) associated with the MTL, which can be triggered by foci both within and outside the MTL itself, and indeed even in its absence. However, it is not necessary to resect the entire extended network to bring about extended periods of seizure freedom in patients with refractory MTLE.