This study is crucial for improving unilateral spatial neglect (USN) treatments, focusing on comparing the effectiveness of computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation (CACR) against conventional rehabilitation (CR) methods. It aimed to address a significant research gap and improve patient outcomes by evaluating the impact of CACR versus CR on visuospatial perception, visual field and attention, and visual memory in patients with USN. This study was a randomized controlled trial. Forty-five consecutive patients with USN from a university rehabilitation center were divided into two groups: 22 patients received CACR with Rehacom software, focusing on saccadic eye movement, visual field, and visual-motor coordination, while 23 underwent CR that combined hemispheric activation approach, mental imagery training, and vibration therapy. Assessments included the Motor-Free Visual Perception Test (MVPT), Line Bisection Test (LBT), Visual Span Test (VST), and Visual Recognition Test (VRT). The study employed ANCOVA and effect size calculations to evaluate the effectiveness of CACR compared to CR in treating patients with USN. Results indicated that CACR significantly outperformed CR in improving visuospatial perception, visual field, attention, and memory, showcasing its effectiveness in treating USN. These findings demonstrate the superiority of CACR over CR, particularly in enhancing visual memory and attention, as evidenced by the large effect size in VRT and moderate effects in LBT and VST. This suggests CACR's potential as a more effective approach for rehabilitation in patients with USN due to brain injuries.