Comparing the interactions of risk factors by method of suicide among veterans: A moderated network analysis approach.

Amanda M RainesKathryn S MaciaJamie L TockClaire HoutsmaJane HerweheJoseph Constans
Published in: Journal of psychopathology and clinical science (2024)
Despite the well-established link between firearm access and suicide, less is known about other variables that may influence the risk for death by self-inflicted gunshot versus other methods of suicide. As individual factors have demonstrated limited predictive ability, scholars have called for studies that consider the multifaceted relations between myriad variables. One alternative to the typical cause-and-effect approach for investigating various forms of psychopathology is network analysis. However, few studies have applied this method to suicidal outcomes, particularly in the context of a veteran population. Data from 19,234 male veteran suicide decedents (89.1% White; M age = 57.16, SD = 18.64) acquired from the National Violent Death Reporting System were used to investigate characteristics of veteran suicide decedents who died by self-inflicted gunshot (gun; 66.4%) versus alternative methods (nongun, e.g., poisoning, hanging; 33.5%). Results of the overall moderated network model indicated that veterans in the gun group were more likely to have a physical health problem that contributed to the suicide than veterans in the nongun group. Additionally, results of the moderated network model revealed several pairs of associated circumstances whose relationships were significantly moderated by method of suicide, the three strongest of which included having a physical health problem that contributed to the suicide. Overall, results suggest that public health prevention and intervention efforts aimed at reducing the overall burden of physical health problems among male veterans may mitigate the risk of firearm suicides. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).