Assessing measurement invariance of MSQOL-54 across Italian and English versions.
Andrea GiordanoSilvia TestaMarta BassiSabina CiliaAntonio BertolottoMaria Esmeralda QuartuccioErika PietrolongoMonica FalautanoMonica GrobberioClaudia NiccolaiBeatrice AllegriRosa Gemma ViterboPaolo ConfalonieriAmbra Mara GiovannettiEleonora CoccoMaria Grazia GrassoAlessandra LugaresiElisa FerrianiUgo NocentiniMauro ZaffaroniAlysha De LiveraGeorge JelinekAlessandra SolariRosalba RosatoPublished in: Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation (2019)
These findings support measurement invariance of the MSQOL-54 across the two language versions, suggesting that the questionnaire has the same meaning and the same measurement paramaters in the Italian and English versions.