The Participatory, Cross-Professional and Cross-Departmental Development of an Ethical Mission Statement in a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic: The Ethics Compass of the UPKKJ Basel Employees in child and adolescent psychiatry navigate a complex field of ethical requirements. At the Clinic for Children and Adolescents of the University Psychiatric Clinics Basel (UPKKJ), these areas of tension were examined in a project that spanned across numerous departments and professional groups. Based on a survey study and a narrative literature review, ethical guidelines were developed: the UPKKJ Ethics Compass. The Ethics Compass highlights various areas such as participation, child welfare, justice and developmental health, which are relevant to the relationships between children, adolescents, parents, and the treatment team. To implement these principles in everyday clinical practice, the Ethics Compass is now regularly used in case work and as a communication aid with external partners. Furthermore, a procedural action plan was developed for collaboration with the Department of Clinical Ethics at the University Hospitals in Basel.