Physical activity (PA) and exercise are central to maintaining health, however research has shown steep declines in PA and exercise among women Veterans as they age. Though motivation may be an important contributor to initiating and sustaining exercise that may change across the lifespan, little is known about exercise motivation and its relation to age and exercise behavior among women Veterans. This cross-sectional study sought to describe exercise motivations, examine relationships among exercise motivations and age, and explore the degree to which age and motivation predict self-reported exercise behavior among women Veterans. We conducted a secondary data analysis from a regional mail survey of 197 women Veterans (mean age = 51; SD = 10.5) enrolled in Veterans Health Administration primary care in a northeastern region ( N = 180 in analysis). Measures included demographics (age, body mass index), self-reported exercise motivation, and an estimate of average weekly exercise. Participants endorsed multiple motivators for exercise, most prominently fitness and health management. Age was significantly negatively related to amount of exercise and with socializing as an exercise motivation. After accounting for body mass index, age was a significant predictor of exercise behavior, and exercise motivations accounted for an additional 7.3% of variance in self-reported weekly exercise. Our results suggest that although motivation is a potentially important predictor of exercise, factors beyond motivation may better predict exercise in women Veterans. Further research is needed on personal and practical facilitators and barriers to exercise in this population.