Pex24 and Pex32 are required to tether peroxisomes to the ER for organelle biogenesis, positioning and segregation in yeast.

Fei WuRinse de BoerArjen M KrikkenArman AkşitNicola BordinDamien Paul DevosIda J van der Klei
Published in: Journal of cell science (2020)
The yeast Hansenula polymorpha contains four members of the Pex23 family of peroxins, which characteristically contain a DysF domain. Here we show that all four H. polymorpha Pex23 family proteins localize to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Pex24 and Pex32, but not Pex23 and Pex29, predominantly accumulate at peroxisome-ER contacts. Upon deletion of PEX24 or PEX32 - and to a much lesser extent, of PEX23 or PEX29 - peroxisome-ER contacts are lost, concomitant with defects in peroxisomal matrix protein import, membrane growth, and organelle proliferation, positioning and segregation. These defects are suppressed by the introduction of an artificial peroxisome-ER tether, indicating that Pex24 and Pex32 contribute to tethering of peroxisomes to the ER. Accumulation of Pex32 at these contact sites is lost in cells lacking the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex11, in conjunction with disruption of the contacts. This indicates that Pex11 contributes to Pex32-dependent peroxisome-ER contact formation. The absence of Pex32 has no major effect on pre-peroxisomal vesicles that occur in pex3 atg1 deletion cells.