Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (vv-ECMO) for severe respiratory failure in adult cancer patients: a retrospective multicenter analysis.
Matthias KochanekJan KochanekBoris BöllDennis A EichenauerGernot BeutelHendrik BrachtStephan BrauneFlorian EisnerSigrun FrieseckeUlf GüntherGottfried HeinzMichael HallekChristian KaragiannidisStefan KlugeKlaus KogelmannPia LebiedzPhilipp M LepperTobias LiebregtsCatherina LueckRalf M MuellenbachMatthias HansenChristian PutensenPeter SchellongowskiJens-Christian ScheweKathrin Schumann-StoiberFrederik SeilerPeter SpiethSteffen Weber-CarstensDaniel BrodieElie AzoulayAlexander Shimabukuro-VornhagenPublished in: Intensive care medicine (2022)
The overall survival of cancer patients who require vv-ECMO is poor. This study shows that the value of vv-ECMO in cancer patients with respiratory failure is still unclear and further research is needed. The risk factors identified in the present analysis may help to better select patients who may benefit from vv-ECMO.