A dramatic increase in the number of vascular procedures performed in the office-based laboratory setting has been observed since 2008, when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services increased reimbursement for procedures performed in the ambulatory setting. We sought to evaluate the appropriateness of arterial intervention in the office-based laboratory and patient selection. This systematic review was conducted with a search of Google Scholar and PubMed using the following search terms: office-based lab, outpatient, angioplasty, patient selection, arterial, and appropriateness. More than 500 publications were screened and 14 publications related to the topic were selected. The existing literature that examined patient selection for intervention in the outpatient setting, rates of complications after outpatient procedures, and short-term data on the safety and efficacy of these procedures is discussed. Gaps were identified in current knowledge about the long-term outcomes of peripheral arterial interventions performed in the office-based laboratory setting, as well as existing guidelines for the management of patients with peripheral arterial disease.