Bacillus safensis FO-36b and Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032: a whole genome comparison of two spacecraft assembly facility isolates.
Madhan R TirumalaiVictor G StepanovAndrea WünscheSaied MontazariRacquel O GonzalezKasturi VenkateswaranGeorge E FoxPublished in: BMC microbiology (2018)
It is not immediately obvious that the presence or absence of any specific gene or combination of genes is responsible for the variations in resistance seen. It is quite possible that distinctions in gene regulation can alter the expression levels of key proteins thereby changing the organism's resistance properties without gain or loss of a particular gene. What is clear is that phage elements contribute significantly to genome variability. Multiple genome comparison indicates that many strains named as B. pumilus likely belong to the B. safensis group.