Health care needs and health services utilization of people with spinal cord injury living in Jiangsu and Sichuan provinces of China: a cross-sectional community survey.
Wei LiuJiayue WangChuandong ChenJan D ReinhardtPublished in: Disability and rehabilitation (2023)
Considerable differences in the prevalence of health care needs and service utilization patterns were found between provinces, mostly in favour of the economically more developed Jiangsu Province.Implications for RehabilitationPeople with low income, particularly those below the World Bank poverty line for middle-income countries, had increased health care needs but utilized health care less often.Moreover, environmental barriers contributed significantly to unmet health care needs.This implies the necessity to provide better accessible and more affordable rehabilitation services for people with spinal cord injury (SCI) in China such as community-based rehabilitation programming.Policies for alleviation of poverty in the case of SCI including insurance for catastrophic health expenditure should also be reviewed and adapted where applicable.