Formation Control and Tracking of Mobile Robots using Distributed Estimators and A Biologically Inspired Approach.

Sathishkumar MoorthyYoung Hoon Joo
Published in: Journal of electrical engineering & technology (2022)
This paper investigates the formation control problem for multiple nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots using distributed estimators and a biologically inspired approach. The formation pattern of the system adopts leader-follower structure and the communication topology among the multi-robot system is modelled by an undirected graph. In our proposed methodology, first, we develop an adaptive trajectory tracking control for the leader robot to follow the desired trajectory. Second, a distributed estimator is designed for each follower mobile robot, which uses its own information to estimate the leader's states, such as position, orientation, and linear velocity. Then, distributed formation tracking control laws are designed based on the distributed estimator. Furthermore, a bioinspired controller is developed to address the impractical velocity jump problem. The closed-loop system stability is analysed with the Lyapunov stability theory showing that tracking errors are asymptotically converge to zero. Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.