Delineating the impacts of air temperature and humidity for endurance exercise.

Elliott J JenkinsHolly A CampbellJason Kai Wei LeeToby MundelJames David Cotter
Published in: Experimental physiology (2022)
) followed by a 20-km time trial in each of four environments: three air temperatures at matched absolute humidity (Cool, 18°C; Moderate, 27°C; and Hot, 36°C; at 1.96 kPa, air velocity ∼4.5 m/s), and one at elevated humidity (Hot Humid, 36°C at 3.92 kPa). Warmer air caused warmer skin (0.5°C/°C; P < 0.001), higher heart rate (1 bpm/°C; P < 0.001), sweat rate (0.04 l/h/°C; P < 0.001) and thermal perceptions during fixed-intensity exercise, but minimally affected core temperature (<0.01°C/°C; P = 0.053). Time-trial performance was comparable between Cool and Moderate (95% CI: -1.4, 5.9%; P = 0.263), but 3.6-6% slower in Hot (95% CI: ±2.4%; P ≤ 0.006). Elevated humidity increased core temperature (P < 0.001), perceived temperature and discomfort but not skin temperature or heart rate, and reduced mean blood pressure (P = 0.046) during fixed-intensity exercise. Elevated humidity impaired time-trial performance by 3.4% (95% CI: ±2.2%; P = 0.006). In conclusion, these findings quantify the importance of absolute humidity alongside air temperature when exercising under severe heat stress.