Professional approach to the care of women who have suffered a perinatal loss.

Ana Rubio-AlvarezCarmen Jiménez-RamosCarolina Bravo-VaqueroBeatriz Pulgarín-PulgarínJulián Javier Rodríguez AlmagroAntonio Hernández-Martínez
Published in: Nursing & health sciences (2024)
To understand the experience, training, and needs of midwives in their approach to perinatal grief. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out using an online questionnaire with 26 questions related to institutional management and individual clinical practices in the care of a perinatal loss was developed by a team of midwives from the Hospital "La Mancha-Centro" of Alcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real). Strobe checklist was followed. A total of 267 midwives participated. A total of 92.1% (246) of the centers had specific protocols for action, but each professional applied their own criteria. The presence of a perinatal psychology team was nonexistent according to 88% (235) of those surveyed. Regarding their training and professional experience, 16.5% (44) of the midwives had never received training. Only 4.1% (11) of the midwives felt very prepared to care for women with a perinatal loss. Among the factors associated with greater application of recommended practices in the face of perinatal death by midwives were being a woman, having prior training on care during perinatal death, and a greater perception of preparation (p < 0.05). The perception of lack of preparation on the part of midwives in the accompaniment of these families was high.