Riboflavin and Bacillus subtilis effects on growth performance and woody-breast of Ross 708 broilers with or without Eimeria spp. challenge.
Sabin PoudelGeorge T TablerJun LinWei ZhaiLi ZhangPublished in: Journal of animal science and technology (2022)
This study was conducted to assess the effects of the dietary supplementation of riboflavin (as a bile salt hydrolase [BSH] inhibitor) and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance and woody breast of male broilers challenged with Eimeria spp. Intestinal bacteria, including supplemented probiotics, can produce BSH enzymes that deconjugate conjugated bile salts and reduce fat digestion. A 3 × 2 × 2 (riboflavin × Bacillus subtilis × Eimeria spp. challenge) factorial arrangement of treatments in randomized complete block design was used. On d 14, birds were gavaged with 20× doses of commercial cocci vaccine (Coccivac R -B52, Merck Animal Health, Omaha, NE). Dietary treatment of riboflavin and B. subtilis did not affect body weight (BW), body weight gain (BWG), and feed conversion (FCR) d 0 to 14 and overall d 0 to 41. Eimeria spp challenge reduced BWG, feed intake (FI), and increased FCR between d 14 to 28, but increased BWG and lowered FCR between d 28 to 35. There were no effects of the Eimeria spp. challenge on the overall d 0 to 41 FCR and FI, but BWG was reduced. Eimeria spp. challenge increased the abdominal fat pad weight and slight woody breast incidences on processed birds on d 42. Dietary inclusion of B. subtilis and riboflavin at tested levels did not help birds to mitigate the negative impact of Eimeria spp. challenge to enhance the growth performance.