The Annual Reproductive Cycle, Proximate Composition, Fatty Acid and Amino Acid Content of Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas ( Magallana gigas ), in Gadeok-do, Korea.

In Kyu ChoBong-Seung SeoSo-Yeon HwangYe-In LeeYoun Hee ChoiSu-Jin ParkHee-Jung LeeYoung Baek HurYoun-Hee Choi
Published in: Development & reproduction (2023)
Environmental factors impact oyster growth, condition, and gonadal development, which is linked to gamete characteristics observed through histology. The reproductive cycle of bivalves is related to energy storage and utilization. Therefore, in this study, the year-round growth change and gonadal development of oysters were observed using histological analysis, and the biochemical composition changes were confirmed. The oysters used in this study are being nurtured in Gadeok-do, and 40 oysters were randomly sampled monthly from March 2021 to February 2022. Result of histological analysis of gonads, oysters were showed early development from December to February, late development from March and April, mature and ripe from May to July, spawned from August to October, and spent from November to December. Condition index values of oysters decreased in summer and autumn and increased again when entered the spent after spawning. The protein content of oysters was high in May, the maturity period, and the lipid content decreased during the spawning period. In addition, EPA and DHA, the major fatty acids of oysters, were low during the spawning period and high during the maturation period. As a result, this study suggested a close relationship between changes in oyster growth, biochemical composition, and the reproductive cycle.