Half Friend, Half Enemy? Comparative Phytophagy between Two Dicyphini Species (Hemiptera: Miridae).
Paula SoutoGonçalo Abraços-DuarteElsa Borges da SilvaElisabete FigueiredoPublished in: Insects (2022)
Despite their importance as biological control agents, zoophytophagous dicyphine mirids can produce economically important damage. We evaluated the phytophagy and potential impact on tomato plants of Dicyphus cerastii and Nesidiocoris tenuis . We developed a study in three parts: (i) a semi-field trial to characterize the type of plant damage produced by these species on caged tomato plants; (ii) a laboratory experiment to assess the effect of fruit ripeness, mirid age, and prey availability on feeding injuries on fruit; and (iii) a laboratory assay to compare the position of both species on either fruit or plants, over time. Both species produced plant damage, however, although both species produced scar punctures on leaves and necrotic patches on petioles, only N. tenuis produced necrotic rings. Both species caused flower abortion at a similar level. Overall, N. tenuis females produced more damage to tomato fruit than D. cerastii . There was an increased frequency of D. cerastii females found on the plants over time, which did not happen with N. tenuis . Our results suggested that, although D. cerastii caused less damage to fruit than N. tenuis , it still fed on them and could cause floral abortion, which requires field evaluation and caution in its use in biological control strategies.