Transfer of care is a critical point for patient safety and requires an optimal care transfer model in order to ensure safe pharmacotherapy transfer. Polypharmacy among elderly is associated with adverse health consequences such as hospital readmissions. Hospital readmissions represent priorities in health care research and are one of the measures for assessing patient safety. Medication-related problems among elderly are associated with polypharmacy. The aim of the study was to show the impact of a developed model of care transfer led by a hospital clinical pharmacist on the number of hospital readmissions in the 12-months period in the elderly. A randomized controlled study of patients aged 65 or more was conducted at Dubrava University Hospital, Community Health Centre Zagreb - East and community pharmacies in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County, Croatia. An intervention group received specially designed care transfer led by the hospital clinical pharmacist. Model included high-intensity pharmacotherapy interventions delivered at admission, during hospital stay and discharge, transition to primary care and post-discharge and cooperation between all healthcare professionals. In all, 182 patients in the intervention and 171 in the control group were analysed. The total number of hospital readmissions and emergency readmissions, within one year from the hospital discharge, was lower in the intervention group than in the control group (41.7% vs. 58.3%, p=0.005; 40.8% vs. 59.2%, p=0.008). The model of the health care transfer applied in this research thus significantly reduced hospital readmissions in the 1-year period in elderly patients. Therefore, the hospital clinical pharmacists should design and coordinate the transfer between hospital and primary care.