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Cost Perception of Cardiological Procedures Among -Medical Students and Doctors in Switzerland.

Alan MüllerRoger MelligerPatric BiaggiLuca OechslinChristophe Wyss
Published in: Praxis (2024)
Aims: The aim of the present study was to analyze the cost awareness of cardiological tests and procedures among medical students, residents and doctors in Switzerland and discuss trends in cost perception in health expenditures. Methods: Using an online questionnaire, participants (randomly recruited by mailing lists, messaging app or via direct contact) had to estimate the costs of the 13 predefined cardiological procedures services, diagnostic tests and procedures in Swiss Francs (CHF). Short technical descriptions of the procedures and tests were provided. Estimated costs were considered accurate if they were within ±25 % of the reimbursement rate. Participant groups were defined: medical students, residents, hospital-based physicians and cardiologists in private practice (practitioners). Results: A total of 939 participants (172 physicians and 767 medical students) were enrolled. The overall proportion of medical gestures estimated correctly within ±25% of the reimbursement rate ranged from 10 % (students) to 55 % in practitioners. Residents (26 %) and hospital-based physicians (38 %) performed intermediately. In general, the costs were overestimated. Conclusions: The level of cost knowledge of cardiological tests and procedures among medical students, residents and doctors in Switzerland is modest. In general, the costs were overestimated. Increasing experience seems to sharpen the accuracy of cost estimation. Overestimation of costs is potentially problematic: Either in systems of governmental defined global budget or systems with substantial out-of-pocket costs for patients, overestimated costs will result in more restrictive ordering than it would be appropriate and affordable for the individual patient.