Pre-TAI protocol strategies to increase reproductive efficiency in beef and dairy cows.
José Nélio de Sousa SalesLuiz Manoel Souza SimõesRaphael Evangelista OrlandiEduardo Alves LimaAna Paula Castro SantosMiguel Pizzolante BottinoLuiz Augusto Capellari Leite da SilvaJosé Camisão de SouzaMarcelo Maronna DiasJoão Paulo Martinelli MassonetoLuiz Antônio ScandiuzziBruno Gonzalez FreitasBruna Martins GuerreiroMichele Ricieri BastosPublished in: Animal reproduction (2019)
Ovulation synchronization protocols are well established in beef and dairy cows. However, the protocol response rate is around 70-90%. In beef cows, factors such as inadequate nutrition and calf presence negatively impact the response of progesterone (P4)/estradiol-based ovulation synchronization protocols by interfering with GnRH release and consequently reducing LH pulsatility and final follicular development. In dairy cows, protocols based on GnRH and prostaglandin (Ovsynch) are the most widely used in the world. However, the efficiency of Ovsynch is dependent on the presence of a large follicle at the time of administration of the first GnRH. In these ovulation synchronization protocols, pre-synchronization protocols (Prostaglandins, Double Ovsynch and P4synch) are usually attempted in an effort to increase responses. Thus, the objective of this review was to discuss pre-ovulation synchronization strategies (administration of injectable P4 or energetic/protein supplementation or pre-synchronization with intra-vaginal progesterone devices) aiming to increase the LH pulsatility in beef cows or induce the formation of a GnRH-responsive follicle at the beginning of the Ovsynch protocol in dairy cows.