International journal of politics, culture, and society
- Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Malin Wallgren
- Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Malin Wallgren
volume 36, number 1, 2023
- Laurence Bherer, Pascale Dufour, Françoise Montambeault
- Mauro Basaure, Alfredo Joignant, Rachel Théodore
- Aleida AssmannHow the Future Fell from Grace and How to Repair I. Changes in Time-Consciousness in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Century: a Response to Joe Davidson's "From the Future to the Past (and Back Again?): a Review of Aleida Assmann's Is Time Out of Joint? On the Rise and Fall of the Modern Time Regime (Ithaca: Cornell University Press and Cornell University Library, 2020)". International journal of politics, culture, and society (2021)
volume 35, number 3, 2021
volume 35, number 4, 2021
- Aleida AssmannHow the Future Fell from Grace and How to Repair It. Changes in Time-Consciousness in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Century: a Response to Joe Davidson's "From the Future to the Past (and Back Again?): a Review of Aleida Assmann's Is Time Out of Joint? On the Rise and Fall of the Modern Time Regime (Ithaca: Cornell University Press and Cornell University Library, 2020)". International journal of politics, culture, and society 35 (4) (2021)
volume 34, number 1, 2019
- Federico Brandmayr
volume 28, number 3, 2014
- Robbie Duschinsky, Monica Greco, Judith Solomon