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Journal of flood risk management
volume 14, number 2, 2021
Marlies H Barendrecht
Simon McCarthy
Alberto Viglione
A comparative analysis of the relationship between flood experience and private flood mitigation behaviour in the regions of England.
Journal of flood risk management
14 (2) (2021)
volume 13, number 2, 2020
Burrell E Montz
Risk management: Are there parallels between COVID19 and floods?
Journal of flood risk management
13 (2) (2020)
volume 13, number 4, 2020
Soroush Kouhi
M Reza Hashemi
Rozita Kian
Malcolm Spaulding
Matthew Lewis
Isaac Ginis
Flood risk in past and future: A case study for the Pawtuxet River's record-breaking March 2010 flood event.
Journal of flood risk management
13 (4) (2020)
volume 12, number 3, 2018
Sebastian Seebauer
Stefan Ortner
Philipp Babcicky
Thomas Thaler
Bottom-up citizen initiatives as emergent actors in flood risk management: Mapping roles, relations and limitations.
Journal of flood risk management
12 (3) (2018)
volume 12, number 4, 2018
Katharina Schroeer
Mari R Tye
Quantifying damage contributions from convective and stratiform weather types: How well do precipitation and discharge data indicate the risk?
Journal of flood risk management
12 (4) (2018)
volume 11, number 3, 2017
Sebastian Seebauer
Philipp Babcicky
Trust and the communication of flood risks: comparing the roles of local governments, volunteers in emergency services, and neighbours.
Journal of flood risk management
11 (3) (2017)