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Chemistry Teacher International : best practices in chemistry education
volume 6, number 1, 2024
Andrew P Cornell
Sunghwan Kim
Jordi Cuadros
Ehren C Bucholtz
Harry E Pence
Rudy Potenzone
Robert E Belford
IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI)-related education and training materials through InChI Open Education Resource (OER).
Chemistry Teacher International : best practices in chemistry education
6 (1) (2024)
Andrew P Cornell
Sunghwan Kim
Jordi Cuadros
Ehren C Bucholtz
Harry E Pence
Rudy Potenzone
Robert E Belford
IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI)-related education and training materials through InChI Open Education Resource (OER).
Chemistry Teacher International : best practices in chemistry education
6 (1) (2024)
volume 3, number 1, 2020
Sunghwan Kim
Asta Gindulyte
Jian Zhang
Paul A Thiessen
Evan E Bolton
PubChem Periodic Table and Element Pages: Improving Access to Information on Chemical Elements from Authoritative Sources.
Chemistry Teacher International : best practices in chemistry education
3 (1) (2020)