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Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
volume 34, number 1, 2024
Oya Guclu
Ceren Enüstün Hürmeydan
Being the Mother of a Special Child: Resilience and Marital Adjustment in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Ali İnaltekin
İbrahim Yağcı
Difficulty in Emotion Regulation, Metacognition, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Suicide Probability in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Melike Kucukkarapinar
Damla Erbil
İlker Keles
Filiz Karadag
Association Between Mood Disorder Severity, Treatment Response and Systemic Inflammatory Markers: Exploring the Role of NLR, PLR, MLR, and SII.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Renée Martin-Willett
Joshua S Elmore
Paige X Phillips
L Cinnamon Bidwell
Meaningfully Characterizing Cannabis Use for Research and Clinical Settings: A Comprehensive Review of Existing Measures and Proposed Future Directions.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Filiz Izci
Yağmur Sever Fidan
Sümeyye Yasemin Çallı
Metin Aslan
Stigma, Perception of Social Support, and Functionality Levels of Schizophrenia Patients with and without Legal Guardianship.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Cho Lee
Shang-Hsuan Shih
Yu-Chih Shen
Successful Use of High-Dose Brexpiprazole for Psychosis in Lewy Body Dementia without Adverse Effects.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Dilek Bingöl Aydın
Serhat Nasıroğlu
Engin Aydın
Bahri Elmas
Öner Özdemir
Ozcan Erel
Heavy Metal and Thiol/Disulfide in Children with Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Ali İnaltekin
İbrahim Yağcı
Difficulty in Emotion Regulation, Metacognition, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Suicide Probability in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Ekin Sönmez Güngör
Elif Poyraz
Beste Nur Güvendi Melenkiş
Merve Eriş Gökçe
Durmaz Onur
Physical Restraint Practices at the Emergency Department of a Mental Health Hospital.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Jiang Yilin
Zhou Heng
Zou Fei
Liu Jiayang
Exploring the Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Comorbid Sleep Disorders in Preschool Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Fuat Nihat Özaydin
Frequency of Single or Combined Anticholinergic Medication Usage as Potentially Inappropriate Medications among the Oldest-Old Age Subgroup.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Ekin Sönmez Güngör
Elif Poyraz
Beste Nur Güvendi Melenkiş
Merve Eriş Gökçe
Durmaz Onur
Physical Restraint Practices at the Emergency Department of a Mental Health Hospital.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Renée Martin-Willett
Joshua S Elmore
Paige X Phillips
L Cinnamon Bidwell
Meaningfully Characterizing Cannabis Use for Research and Clinical Settings: A Comprehensive Review of Existing Measures and Proposed Future Directions.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Esat Fahri Aydın
Mustafa Güleç
Elif Oral
Ali Gökhan Daloğlu
The Effects of Fluoxetine and Agomelatine on Neurocognitive Functions and Sleep in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Adalberto Campo-Arias
Edwin Herazo
Guillermo Augusto Ceballos-Ospino
Association Between Familiarity with Mental Disorders and Stigma Discrimination Related to Mental Disorders Among Colombian Students.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Masum Öztürk
Yekta Özkan
Sermin Yalin Sapmaz
Serkan Erdal
Fatma Taneli
Hasan Kandemir
Thiol/Disulfide Homeostasis: A Potential New Peripheral Biomarker in Adolescent Depression.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Dilek Bingöl Aydın
Serhat Nasıroğlu
Engin Aydın
Bahri Elmas
Öner Özdemir
Ozcan Erel
Heavy Metal and Thiol/Disulfide in Children with Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Jiang Yilin
Zhou Heng
Zou Fei
Liu Jiayang
Exploring the Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Comorbid Sleep Disorders in Preschool Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Filiz Izci
Yağmur Sever Fidan
Sümeyye Yasemin Çallı
Metin Aslan
Stigma, Perception of Social Support, and Functionality Levels of Schizophrenia Patients with and without Legal Guardianship.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Oya Guclu
Ceren Enüstün Hürmeydan
Being the Mother of a Special Child: Resilience and Marital Adjustment in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Adalberto Campo-Arias
Edwin Herazo
Guillermo Augusto Ceballos-Ospino
Association Between Familiarity with Mental Disorders and Stigma Discrimination Related to Mental Disorders Among Colombian Students.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Cho Lee
Shang-Hsuan Shih
Yu-Chih Shen
Successful Use of High-Dose Brexpiprazole for Psychosis in Lewy Body Dementia without Adverse Effects.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Melike Kucukkarapinar
Damla Erbil
İlker Keles
Filiz Karadag
Association Between Mood Disorder Severity, Treatment Response and Systemic Inflammatory Markers: Exploring the Role of NLR, PLR, MLR, and SII.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Esat Fahri Aydın
Mustafa Güleç
Elif Oral
Ali Gökhan Daloğlu
The Effects of Fluoxetine and Agomelatine on Neurocognitive Functions and Sleep in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Masum Öztürk
Yekta Özkan
Sermin Yalin Sapmaz
Serkan Erdal
Fatma Taneli
Hasan Kandemir
Thiol/Disulfide Homeostasis: A Potential New Peripheral Biomarker in Adolescent Depression.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
Fuat Nihat Özaydin
Frequency of Single or Combined Anticholinergic Medication Usage as Potentially Inappropriate Medications among the Oldest-Old Age Subgroup.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (1) (2024)
volume 34, number 2, 2024
Mutlu Muhammed Özbek
Remzi Oğulcan Çıray
Analysis of the Relationship Between Emotion Regulation Difficulties and Impulsivity and Cognitive/Metacognitive Skills in Adolescents Diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Zehra Koyuncu
Neslihan Zabcı
Tuncay Sandıkçı
Abidin Kaya
Halide Çetin Kara
Eyyup Kara
Burak Doğangün
Maternal Gatekeeping in Children with Developmental Language Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Şeyma Sehlikoğlu
Sevler Yıldız
Aslı Kazğan Kılıçaslan
Osman Kurt
Erkan Göçüm
Behice Han Almiş
Evaluation of Complete Blood Cell Count Parameters and Their Role in Inflammation in Patients with Methamphetamine and Synthetic Cannabis Use Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Duygu Kaba
Merve Arıcı Canlı
Exploration of Risk Factors for Language Regression According to Parent Reports in Turkish Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Ali İnaltekin
İbrahim Yağcı
Social Media Addiction and Emotional Intelligence in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Neşe Göçer Gürok
Betul Demir
Murad Atmaca
The Role of Serum Lipids in Predicting Suicidal Ideation in Isotretinoin Therapy for Acne.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Furkan Bahadır Alptekin
A Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome Case Diagnosed While Hospitalized for Major Depression.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Merve Bilgin Koçak
Neşe Öztürk Atkaya
The Relationship Between Internalized Stigma with Self-reported Cognitive Dysfunction and Insight in Schizophrenia.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Duygu Kaba
Merve Arıcı Canlı
Exploration of Risk Factors for Language Regression According to Parent Reports in Turkish Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Şeyma Sehlikoğlu
Sevler Yıldız
Aslı Kazğan Kılıçaslan
Osman Kurt
Erkan Göçüm
Behice Han Almiş
Evaluation of Complete Blood Cell Count Parameters and Their Role in Inflammation in Patients with Methamphetamine and Synthetic Cannabis Use Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Zehra Koyuncu
Neslihan Zabcı
Tuncay Sandıkçı
Abidin Kaya
Halide Çetin Kara
Eyyup Kara
Burak Doğangün
Maternal Gatekeeping in Children with Developmental Language Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Mutlu Muhammed Özbek
Remzi Oğulcan Çıray
Analysis of the Relationship Between Emotion Regulation Difficulties and Impulsivity and Cognitive/Metacognitive Skills in Adolescents Diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Yi Wang
Jing Tian
Qingxuan Yang
Experiential Avoidance Process Model: A Review of the Mechanism for the Generation and Maintenance of Avoidance Behavior.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Furkan Bahadır Alptekin
A Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome Case Diagnosed While Hospitalized for Major Depression.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Merve Bilgin Koçak
Neşe Öztürk Atkaya
The Relationship Between Internalized Stigma with Self-reported Cognitive Dysfunction and Insight in Schizophrenia.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Tijana Stanojkovic
Radica S Živković Zarić
Ivana Lesnjak
Milan Gajic
Srecko Markovic
Aleksandar Canovic
Katarina Jankovic Jovanovic
Treatment of Acute Psychosis Caused by Isotretinoin: Systematic Review.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Hüseyin Burak Baykara
Sevay Alsen Guney
Sibelnur Avcil
Burçin Şeyda Buran
Remzi Oğulcan Çıray
Cagatay Ermis
Neslihan Inal
Safety of Atypical Antipsychotics in a Child and Adolescent Inpatient Setting: A Naturalistic Study.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Neşe Göçer Gürok
Betul Demir
Murad Atmaca
The Role of Serum Lipids in Predicting Suicidal Ideation in Isotretinoin Therapy for Acne.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Yi Wang
Jing Tian
Qingxuan Yang
Experiential Avoidance Process Model: A Review of the Mechanism for the Generation and Maintenance of Avoidance Behavior.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Agata Maria Grzegorzewska
Mariusz Stanisław Wiglusz
Katarzyna Jakuszkowiak-Wojten
Wiesław Jerzy Cubała
Adam Wlodarczyk
Joanna Szarmach
Interictal Dysphoric Disorder in Epilepsy and Its Relationship with Specific Clinical and Demographic Variables.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Ali İnaltekin
İbrahim Yağcı
Social Media Addiction and Emotional Intelligence in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Agata Maria Grzegorzewska
Mariusz Stanisław Wiglusz
Katarzyna Jakuszkowiak-Wojten
Wiesław Jerzy Cubała
Adam Wlodarczyk
Joanna Szarmach
Interictal Dysphoric Disorder in Epilepsy and Its Relationship with Specific Clinical and Demographic Variables.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Hüseyin Burak Baykara
Sevay Alsen Guney
Sibelnur Avcil
Burçin Şeyda Buran
Remzi Oğulcan Çıray
Cagatay Ermis
Neslihan Inal
Safety of Atypical Antipsychotics in a Child and Adolescent Inpatient Setting: A Naturalistic Study.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)
Tijana Stanojkovic
Radica S Živković Zarić
Ivana Lesnjak
Milan Gajic
Srecko Markovic
Aleksandar Canovic
Katarina Jankovic Jovanovic
Treatment of Acute Psychosis Caused by Isotretinoin: Systematic Review.
Psychiatry and clinical psychopharmacology
34 (2) (2024)