IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. II, Express briefs : a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
volume 70, number 5, 2023
Benjamin Latimer, Dan Dopp, Madhusoothanan B Perumal, Pankaj Sah, Satish S Nair
volume 68, number 5, 2021
Jinyong Kim, Carly V Fengel, Siyuan Yu, Ethan D Minot, Matthew L Johnston
volume 66, number 5, 2019
volume 65, number 10, 2018
volume 65, number 3, 2017
Gwangrok Jung, Coskun Tekes, Amirabbas Pirouz, F Levent Degertekin, Maysam Ghovanloo
volume 65, number 7, 2017
Byunghun Lee, Maysam Ghovanloo
volume 65, number 9, 2017
volume 62, number 6, 2015
Yonghong Tao, Andreas Hierlemann, Yong Lian