Journal of hospital management and health policy
Publications volume 5, 2021
Steven S Coughlin , Justin Xavier Moore , Jorge E Cortes
Janeane N Anderson , Rebecca A Krukowski , Andrew J Paladino , J Carolyn Graff , Lee Schwartzberg , Andrea N Curry , Gregory A Vidal , Tameka N Jones , Teresa M Waters , Ilana Graetz
volume 3, 2019
Steven S Coughlin , Paul Mann , Marlo Vernon , Lufei Young , Deepak Ayyala , Richard Sams , Christos Hatzigeorgiou
Jessica A Lavery , Katherine S Panageas
Pavani Rangachari , Kevin C Dellsperger , R Karl Rethemeyer
Katherine V Ferry-Galow , Alice P Chen volume 2, number 5, 2018
Uriel Kim , Gwendolyn Donley , Siran Koroukian , Johnie Rose volume 2, 2018
Derek S Brown , Arash Delavar
Steven S Coughlin , Vahé Heboyan , Lufei Young , Gianluca De Leo , Thad Wilkins
Steven S Coughlin , Lee Caplan , Lufei Young