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Philosophy of management
Hendrik Müller
Secundum Naturam Vivere: Stoic Thoughts of Greco-Roman Antiquity on Nature and Their Relation to the Concepts of Sustainability, Frugality, and Environmental Protection in the Anthropocene.
Philosophy of management
Hendrik Müller
Secundum Naturam Vivere: Stoic Thoughts of Greco-Roman Antiquity on Nature and Their Relation to the Concepts of Sustainability, Frugality, and Environmental Protection in the Anthropocene.
Philosophy of management
volume 22, number 3, 2023
Rose Hiquet
Claire Wordley
Shahzad Ansari
Why does Faithful Epistemic Representation Matter for Management Practices? The Case of the Natural Environment in Management Theory.
Philosophy of management
22 (3) (2023)
Jeffrey Overall
Steven Gedeon
Rational Egoism Virtue-Based Ethical Beliefs and Subjective Happiness: An Empirical Investigation.
Philosophy of management
Shradha Kundra
Rohit Dwivedi
Sensemaking of COVIDian Crisis for Work and Organization.
Philosophy of management
Tuomo Peltonen
Popper's Critical Rationalism as a Response to the Problem of Induction: Predictive Reasoning in the Early Stages of the Covid-19 Epidemic.
Philosophy of management
volume 21, number 4, 2022
David Ardagh
Grounding and Applying an Ethical Test to Organisations as Moral Agents: The Case of Mondragon Corporation.
Philosophy of management
21 (4) (2022)
Michal Müller
Albert Camus and Management: Opening the Discussion on the Contributions of his Work.
Philosophy of management
Todd Mei
Incorporating Virtues: A Speech Act Approach to Understanding how Virtues Can Work in Business.
Philosophy of management
M John Foster
Does CSR Activity Amount to Socially Responsible Management?
Philosophy of management
Fausto Corvino
Kant on Remote Working: a Moral Defence.
Philosophy of management
Max Visser
Thomas C Arnold
Recognition and Work in the Platform Economy: a Normative Reconstruction.
Philosophy of management
Peter Seele
The Long Shadow of Fatalism: a Philosophical Speculation on Forster's "the Machine Stops" (1909) on the Disintegration of Technologically Advanced Societies Back Then and Today.
Philosophy of management
Philipp Dorstewitz
David Lal
Re-Imagining Business Agency through Multi-Agent Cross-Sector Coalitions: Integrating CSR Frameworks.
Philosophy of management
Michal Müller
Jaroslava Kubátová
Existential Values and Insights in Western and Eastern Management: Approaches to Managerial Self-Development.
Philosophy of management
Donald Nordberg
Art in Corporate Governance: a Deweyan Perspective on Board Experience.
Philosophy of management
Greg Latemore
COVID and the Common Good.
Philosophy of management
Wim Vandekerckhove
COVID, Existentialism and Crisis Philosophy.
Philosophy of management
volume 19, number 3, 2020
Harald Stelzer
Responsible Innovation and Climate Engineering. A Step Back to Technology Assessment.
Philosophy of management
19 (3) (2020)